Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The am ha-aretz/ignoramus of Drisha's kashrut class

Within the past few weeks, both real-life friends and folks who post comments here have suggested that I take a kashrut course. So I popped over to Drisha this evening to try theirs. I guess I have until next Tuesday to decide whether I want to register and continue in the class, which is a good question--clearly, I'm out of my depth (though I learned a thing or two tonight), since I've never studied Gemara and can barely read standard-writing Hebrew, much less Rashi-script Hebrew. Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've learned a ton of alphabets over the years, and the thing I've found that helps the most is to read over an alphabet chart a couple of times and then sit down with a text and read individual words so that I can learn the letters in context. Just cramming from the chart has never worked. Maybe look up something with Rashi script on the internet (or use a handout from class) and go over it? You can even transcribe it into square (or cursive) script.

Wed Oct 20, 12:19:00 AM 2010  
Blogger Miami Al said...

Sounds like that course isn't the right one for you. Keep looking. I've been to ones that assume an intricate knowledge of Gemara, I sit there politely, then don't come back (notice a trend here, if it isn't for you, you don't need to make a fuss, you need to find something that is for you).

Somewhere in the 5 boroughs, you have to be able to find an intro level adult ed class on Kashrut and/or Shabbat.

Yeshiva University was running a program for a while, sponsoring their graduates in communities all over the place to give Shiurim, etc. It was a failed merged of alumni relations and Kiruv (failed because it neither focused on alumni nor the non-observant), but they were putting out lots of stuff.

Aish.com has a LOT of beginner level emails that are pretty explanatory. Aish is interesting because they are aligned with the Israeli Chareidi world in terms of Halacha (they don't challenge the right on that), but relatively modern in ideology... people suggest that it's a front, and maybe it is, but their beginner level stuff is informative and accessible, and it shows up in your email box for free.

Aish also does a good job of separating out Halacha, prevalent Minhagim, and acceptable practices, something Chabad does not do. In the Chabad ideology, there is little difference in Halacha from the Shulchan Aruch, Chassidish Minhag, or the Rebbe's personal practices.

Wed Oct 20, 11:06:00 AM 2010  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Anonymous, thanks for the tip.

"Sounds like that course isn't the right one for you. Keep looking."

Good idea, Miami Al, but I'm not quite sure where to look. I'll have to tap into my connections--some of my friends may know someone who knows someone/something.

Aish makes me nervous. When, and if, I'm ready to switch denominations, I may contact a less right-wing organization.

Wed Oct 20, 12:58:00 PM 2010  
Blogger Miami Al said...

Shira, I have no idea what Aish is like in NYC, I assume rightwing. However, signing up for an email list, or reading a column like Laws of Shabbat for Beginners is hardly going to turn you into a RW nut... or maybe it will... they just have great English language resources, and the LWMO crowd, sadly, does not.

Wed Oct 20, 05:29:00 PM 2010  

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